Taste from 'home' ... $0.50 Frosty's ... Can't believe we only had one! |
"Home is where your heart is" ... "Home is where love is borne" ... "There is no place like home" ... "Don't leave home without it" ... Whether we are coming home, going home, leaving home, staying home, longing for home, or simply looking toward 'home' ... One thing has been solidified in my heart with these past two weeks of travel ... "Home is not a place, it's a feeling."
My heart is at home with my Father. It is of no importance where I go or what I leave, come what may with any adventure I pursue or flee from, regardless of whether I'm in The States, Costa Rica or the next village He calls us to ... Wherever I am, it's knowing the sweet presence and hearing the voice of my Savior that reminds me ... I'm home. What home are you longing for? Do you know the sweetness of this place called home?
Finding home ... Feeling peace ... Knowing His voice
Mimi and Pop-pop flew to Costa Rica, two days later Daryl and I flew to PA for 6 days, then spent 3 days in Ohio and two more days in PA before returning to Costa Rica. We were physically exhausted with full bellies most of the time but spiritually encouraged and spurred on by spending time with many of you during this adventure with our Leadership team. The boys were wined and dined with unlimited cookies, ice cream, treats and undivided grandparent attention. Returning to CR brought a peaceful, settled feeling knowing this is where He has called us for now ... this is home.
Knowing His presence through all our travels in the states and in CR
School, normal life and adventure happened without issues
His sweet presence that draws our neighbors to join us at church
Time for Daryl and I to just be together
The hospitality of family and friends who hosted and fed us on our adventure
A Tuesday night youth group for Micah and Joseph to be apart of ... He is so good and His timing is always perfect!
Laughter and community with the staff and leadership of VidaNet
Financial blessings from our Growth Banquets
A new Vida220 school starting the end of September and all the details that go with this
Getting back into routine
Micah and Joseph starting a new school year
For Micah to find a place of belonging
Parenting Jedidiah with all the hellos and good byes
Friends walking through difficult situations
Welcome to Costa Rica Cosechas treat ... Let the adventure begin! |
Feeling loved by our MST ... |
Served with love, it still tasted like dirt ; ) |
Preparing for his Spelling Bee ... Adam was buzzing around the house |
Puzzles with Pop-pop ... |
All the way from Lancaster Co ... Loving his ham loaf like a newborn baby ... Customs didn't ask, we didn't tell ... |
Date with Dad, chocolate and coffee ... Sounds more like a date with mom! |
Visiting the Children's Museum with "500 little Latinos" ... Where did they all come from? A day of adventure! |
So thankful for Austin being the older brother while we were gone! |
Acting like tourists ... enjoying the beauty of CR art |
"Home is not a place, it's a feeling
It's the knowledge that God has a reason for wanting you just where you are."
~ A. Smoker
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