In Light of Eternity

Celebrating with Heaven!
Nothing seemed to matter today, eternally speaking.  Of course I still fussed about the hot chocolate stained upper lip after breakfast, thought one of their shirts was to 'pilled' and old looking for church and I wondered if anyone would think Adam's shirt didn't exactly matched his shorts of choice. Why do my eyes look puffy today, my hair didn't go just right ... Daryl got dressed before I saw what he was wearing causing that little nagging thought to rear it's ugly head ... Will our family look put-together, presentable and adorable to go to church today?  The absurdity of my obsession (aka self-centered pride) in making sure my boys look presentable has often caused me to speak unnecessary demands of them.  Maybe I should have titled this "Confessions of a Missionary Mama."

Today, all heaven stood still in hushed anticipation listening intently to Micah and Joseph publicly share their testimony and profess "I believe in God the Father, I believe in Jesus Christ, I believe in the Holy Spirit and that He's given me new life!" My tears of joy at their bold profession mixed with tears of repentance for allowing my human desires to rear their ugly head.  Today, in light of eternity, there on the river bank the only things that mattered were ... Father's compassionate embrace, the rebirth of two of my mighty men and His tender reminder ...

I am His beloved ... Washed by the water ... Confession is good for the soul

"The River" by Jordan Feliz, this song says it all ... 

"We're going down to the river ..."

"Down to the river to pray ...
Lets get washed by the water and rise up in amazing grace"

Joseph, "I'm going to wear my bathing suit and ...
I guess I won't wear my goggles." ...
Could not stop laughing!

*See the video of his testimony*

Oh joy in my soul ...
Our dear Daniella (the one Adam invited to church)
chose to make Jesus Lord of her life today as well!
All heaven rejoicing!

The face of pure freedom, sanctification and new life!

*See the video of his testimony*

Presenting their certificates ...
Daniella, Micah, Joseph, Vicki, Hazel (their teacher) and Iliana

So many rocks to throw ... Andres is hiding ...
Adam's and the sweeties!

Boys being boys ...
it's a miracle the only thing that got wet were their feet!

He looks so handsome and innocent! ...
thanks to Anita's amazing talent ... 

It's gym day ... 

Making our house feel like home ... 
Date with Dad getting sweeter every time! 
Delicious ending to a beautiful day ...
Celebration supper at Smash Burger!

"Lord, that they would feast on the abundance of your house;
as You give them drink from your river of delights."
Psalm 36:8

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