
Chocolate makes everything better ...
a boy after his Mama's heart
Hope ... Seeing ones self standing victoriously on top of the ominous mountain that is darkening ones path ...  Steadily keeping ones gaze fixed on the One who is navigating through the rapids of change ... A deep sense of peace that passes all understanding, assuring ones soul that 'everything's gonna be all right' ... The spark of life hidden in the recesses of ones being even when walking through trials ... This my friends is simply, Hope: joyful, confident, expectation.  Without it, life would be despair.

1 Chronicles 28:20 David said to Solomon, “Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord God, my God, is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you until all the work for the service of the temple of the Lord is finished."

When you face a seemingly unconquerable obstacle (a.k.a. building the Temple or learning to thrive in a new culture), in the face of doubt trying to rear it's ugly head, you cry a little, want to throw a tantrum and suddenly ... peace, you have a joyful, confident, expectation (hope) that God has the perfect house picked out for you ... He has plans and a purpose to prosper you, to give you a hope and a future.

Trust and obey ... Mountains thrown into the heart of the sea ... Eyes fixed on Him!

Feeling supported and surrounded by friends
Double date, laughter
Sweet heart connections
Funds for a vehicle
Hope is taking root

Italicized in text above
Wisdom on summer plans
Parenting Jedidiah

Life in the city and on the Base ... a week full of hope

They moved the pile ... sweet reward

It's hard work being a watch dog ...
he makes friends wherever he goes

Daryl's area of inspiration ... it's not Benjamin Roberts
... this cubicle doesn't move!

Olaf ... he's a van and a pickup truck!

English Spelling Bee ... translating into English ...
BEE - utiful job!

El Nido's newest miracle ... Juliannet

Purple Guitar ... lift is good
... singing Happy Birthday
Andy Diener in more ways than one ...
Mom, just cut my hair!

Sunday guest ... sharing life in Lancaster Co. and CR ...
Old friends, new blessings!

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