
15+ products and counting ...
I like to think of myself as a 'low-maintenance' kind of gal. I'm a minimalist, I don't like clutter, I prefer to keep things simple and I most certainly don't shower everyday ... Wow, I just wrote that! Most days my outer adornments are T'shirt, jeans, flip flops and fun earrings with The Lord's day offering a prime opportunity to 'ramp it up a bit.' Those who choose to read on, and I might add continue to love me for who I am, will have good reason to differ on the fallacy my 'low maintenance' self perception.

As I bare my soul in opening this window of self-pampering, feelings of embarrassment most certainly will ensue. However, what I want you to hear is my heart is the heart of the matter.  The amount of outer adornments and prideful masking of the said low maintenance gal, are simply a shell surrounding my heart  ... a heart that longs for freedom as my humanness rears it's ugly head with the constant barrage of thoughts ... "what do others think of me" ... Quebrantame, transformame, moldeame a tu imagen Senor!

The Products ... I use the prideful excuse, that "my former life in cosmetology has created this side of me". In the shower alone I use 5 different products, 6 if I choose to succumb to the brazen practice of shaving my legs. Emerging from this steamy abyss of 5+ products, I reach for the first of 5 more products before I clad my humanity with said T'shirt and jeans. Unfortunately and quite embarrassingly, it doesn't stop there ... There are 5 more products that grace yours truly before facing life outside the Yellow House. Necessities, I tell you, these are of utmost necessity ... Can you hear Him? He's laughing at me ...

I mean, if my hair isn't cared for with shampoo, conditioner, mousse, and frizz control, the women I minister to might see Jesus differently! And, if my skin were not moisturized using two different products with the sweetest sent, they might not know His sweet fragrance. God forbid, yup, if my eyes are not adorned with eye liner and mascara, my lips not touched delicately with tinted gloss, they might find His appearance unappealing! Necessities ... This line of thinking is no more ridiculous than assuming you all would look at me differently as said missionary if after 3 years of life overseas I were to gain 15 pounds and have not masked my silvery tresses of wisdom with a color not my own! Nope, the products, can not mask my heart ... if my heart is full of the pride of wondering "what do others think of me," one would most certainly see Jesus as frizzy, stinky and unappealing!

Jesus, the sweetest, purest love ever offered wore the same attire ... Every. Single. Day. Those who chose to listen and follow, loved Him for who He was.  I'm pretty sure it was His heart they loved and not his hair, smell or clothing. Did He shower? Who knows, but one can most certainly ascertain, He did not use 15+ products when preparing to feed the 5000 on the hillside!

The struggle is real ... Pampering Products of Pride ... 
Break me, transform me, mold me in Your image Senor

Life on the Mountain
A week of meetings in preparation for the activities of summer ... wrapped up time with two teams and sent them packing, so thankful for their hard work, ministry and desire to share the love of Jesus with us and the world He sent them to ... Celebrated life with my El Nido Mama, thanking God for one year of life with her twins ... Sharing life with my 'sista's in ministry' over coffee ... Rain and more rain from a tropical depression ... Friday night plans changed, blessed with a night to relax at home ... Saturday breakfast date with the boys, worship practice and "walking through the waters" with dear friends ... Sunday morning worship team, Holy Spirit lead as sickness overtook the majority of the 'normal' team ... 

-Father knows our heart in worship
-Family night
-Landlords who fix things
-Early morning walks, late night talks

-Father, break us, transform us, mold us in YOUR image
-Vida220 teams traveling home Monday and Tuesday, PLEASE PRAY for safety as they travel through Nicaragua
-Friends as they "walk through challenging waters"
-Micah and Joseph, determination as they finish up school

Boys will be boys ... T'Rex fighting in the rain ... 

Happy first birthday Carlito and Arielito ...
Missing their 2 brothers and sister!

Friday night "art class" ...
Coloring and worship music ...
Rest for my soul!

Worship practice ... 

Breakfast date ... Yup, it's a table in a VW bus!

Chocolate milk and Cafe con Leche ...

Crepes and Waffles ... my mouth was watering!

Joseph entertaining Declan ... He loves puppies!

"Those who cling to worthless idols, forfeit the grace that could be theirs!" Jonah 2:5

Follow the Leader

Buying food for an army ... 
Secluded in our bedroom, coffee steaming by my side, it has become customary that my mind is a flurry of activity ... At present, I can't seem to put into coherent thoughts, the whirlwind that is swirling around in this thing I call "my mind". There is little boy chatter going on outside the window, my Sunday afternoon nap was interrupted, someone is creating and banging upstairs, and I'm thinking about how much time I need to plan for picking up the team. In the chaos of my thoughts, my emotions have been captivated by one thing ...

Dona Anita ... One of our beloved "Grandma's" at church.  She faithfully stood by the entrance waiting to great us with a hug so tight at times I felt like my head would pop off.  Her greeting would continue as she cupped my face in her hands speaking words of affirmation and life to my soul. She had a twinkle in her eye, one that promised mischief but in reality, it was the twinkle of Father's love.  In the few short months that I've known her, she blessed us with treats, gifts, encouragement and love.  My love language is not gifts and so at first it was hard to receive this form of love. I felt undeserving and uncertain why she would choose to lavish such gifts on me.  Her presence exuded love for family, friends and most of all, the lover of her soul, Jesus. Hindsight is always 20/20 and with the events of the weekend I've come to understand "Abuelita Anita" had a premonition. Possibly months before anyone else knew, I believe she was aware that something was happening in her body. Health was being robbed and life as she knew it on earth would soon find it's end. For this reason, she showered Father's abundant love on our family in the only way she knew how, she gave us gifts. Some of them, her personal treasures.  For those of us looking through the window, her battle with cancer was short.  As death became imminent, plans and preparations were made. However, those who have walked this journey know, "you just can't plan for death." No matter how much premonition one may have, no one knows the hour nor the day and therefore ... one must live ready.

Hence, I leave you with this ... She was a leader who followed. Her heart and life were surrendered to Jesus, the lover of her soul. She was a follower of Jesus and a leader in sharing His unconditional love.  She followed His lead.

 Follow the Leader ... Instinct is His gift ... Live ready

Life on the Mountain
Family shopping spree buying 10 days worth of food for two groups: 105 kilos of rice, 15 kilo beans, 40 kilos chicken, plus, pork, ground beef, 25 dozen eggs and ALL the extras ... Everyone was needed on this 1/2 hour shopping spree! ... Celebrating Dona Anna's life ... Crucifixion drama, wondering where Adam was during ministry time.  No worries, he was peacefully sleeping while praise music filled his soul ... school, El Nido, work and normal life when two groups converge on Casa VidaNet.

Carmelinda's safe return to CR
The blessing of life with Teams

Martha's heath
Sound sleep for our family
That we would follow Father's lead in relating to each other
Building his own Lego set ...
Robotics class in school, peeked his interest!

Micah's stacking abilities ... "years" of experience!

Celebrating Dona Anna

Home school co-op, minus a few

They grow em big in CR!

Crucifixion crew ... sharing laughter ...
Drama that evokes intense emotions

Adam's class talent show
Date night with dad ...
McDonalds Cafe and Cheesecake!

She Asked, He Said Yes

Happy Mama's day 
It's not what you think ... It is about Relationship, fellowship, a sense of belonging and purpose ... It's kinda of something we all long for, right? We all want to belong, somewhere. We've prayed, asked you all to pray and we've expected Father's perfect connections for our boys, a place for them to belong. Most recently, I've had this longing for a youth group for Micah. A place where he can connect, laugh and be silly, a place to call his own.  Family 24x7 is a gift but come on, ya' all know teens need teen time! There's been English youth group connections and English is his preference, however he knows Spanish is imperative for language, culture and blooming where God has planted us ... can we find a balance God? We pursued some, he pursued others and still others pursued him. Opportunities came and went, some near but most far away. Still, nothing seemed to settle in our hearts and feel right until ... Kara. 

Redemption. God is a lover of Redemption. He desires to redeem all the bad, sad, horrific and detestable things that happen in our lives. I believe He is good and truly desires good to come of all things. Even when babies die, innocence is robbed, when greed takes without thought to the other, when death comes giving no regard to more life yet to be lived, when despair is common place and hope a rarity ... God desires good. When all hope was lost, God purposed Redemption.

When Kara and 2/3 of the El Salvador team returned to Casa VidaNet unexpectedly there were tears, anger, questions, frustration and lots of asking, "why God?" What good could possibly come from this team's separation? With their return to CR, God opened doors for them to work with a local church. And ... its newly developing youth group. Can I just say, this was done in such God fashion! What a perfect opportunity, Micah knows this team, they speak English and Spanish, it's close to home and ... Kara invited. Sometimes missionaries need the invitation! Redemption ... God's purpose if for good to come out of despair.  Although healing is a journey this team must walk, to bare witness this sweet morsel of redemption is such a gift!

Kara asked ... Micah said yes ... Good rising from the rubble 

Life on the Mountain
The stomach bug lives in CR too! Unfortunately we all had our turn ... This week felt full of fellowship, lots of interaction with people and not a lot of alone time. This can be very life-giving, however in combination with our bodies fighting off the aforementioned virus, we felt drained most of the week ...  A day off school provided time to work on Science Fair recycling projects ... yesterday we attended a life-giving Marriage retreat while the boys were entertained by Declan (Thanks Liz and Manu) : ) ... And, the week ended (or started) with Futbol, pizza and chicken!

Byron, patiently teaching Jedidiah
Celebrating Mom and the gift of our mothers
Youth group connections
Hugs from Jessica and family
Safe return home for Delynn, Gloria and Vinny
English library ... can we ever just get there and back without any issues?

Omar and Anna ... she was a church grandma to the boys ... she's dying from cervical cancer
Ability to listen in Spanish, English and to each other's heart
Cuco's mom ... hospitalized after domestic abuse
Vida Missions team of 20 arriving Tuesday to spend a week with us
Youth group connections
Leadership meeting tomorrow ... clarity and unity in planning for the summer

Kara and team ...
Please pray for this team's healing journey.
Redemption ...

"I woke up and did my homework all by
myself while Mama was in the shower!"

Hard labor is good for the sick body ...
Ever heard of a Hoover concrete mixer? ...
How to feel exhausted!

 Buddies exploring Dinosaurs

A day off school ... Extra shopping helpers!

Wrapping the can with "T'shirt yarn"

Finished Science Fair Project ...
Recycled tin cans and t'shirts!

The Dance

Dance with me? ...
Most days I feel like I'm failing miserably as a mom ... to this one. Those who know me have heard this song and dance before ... We waltz through good times, step on each other's toes through challenging times, and completely lose our groove dancing to our own rhythm through horribly difficult times. God is using this one to soften my heart to those who enter my world bringing opposition and challenge to the normal way of doing things and ... I don't like it! This week, I'm struggling with the word "like." It seems easier to love the sinner, hate the sin that one meets in normal everyday life. However when "that person" is one entrusted to my nurture and care ... The struggle is real!

Of course I love him ... bone of my bone, flesh of my flesh, fruit of my labor, the one who was knit together in the hidden places of my womb ... I would do anything for him, he has my heart, I love his spunk ... He changes the atmosphere of any situation he encounters ... Kids are drawn to him, he is a friend to all ... His 'name' is Tender Heart ... His smile is captivating and his voice commanding ... I can't do his creativity justice because of the outlandish ideas he has in wanting to create ...  He is a music machine, loves to cook, talks British with the best of em' and ... loves to push every one of my last nerves ... He does nothing in a conventional matter ... nothing!

Quite bluntly, I have a hard time liking him. That sounds awful ... case in point, missionaries are normal people too! Ok, it's not him that I dislike, it's the part of him that is in constant opposition to what I say. When he's helpful, kind, agreeable, creative, obedient and the show stopper Father created him to be, I like him a lot!  However, the majority of my days I anticipate his opposition and respond on edge instead of reveling in the incredibly talented child of God that he is. Why? ... Why has God entrusted one such as him to my heart and rearing?

In a recent "this is MY time" rerun episode of my life, I've had cause to ponder the similarity between 'this one' and yours truly.  Is this how Father feels towards me during one of my obstinate, childish tantrums when He says GO or NO or WAIT or NOTHING ... Yeah, I know HE's perfect. Of course He loves me, likes me and calls me His own ... But, considering my feelings toward this gift we named Jedidiah, is this how Father feels when "the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart are NOT pleasing to Him? When I ignore the prompting of my spirit and choose to act the way I feel like acting because I want to do it my way? ... He's teaching me the dance, He chose me to be Jedidiah's Mama and so we waltz, step on each others toes and learn how to follow each other's rhythm.

 He loves me, and likes me ... Dancing with Jedidiah ... Chiseling my rough edges

Life on the Mountain
Sharing our burdens and praying with our ministry family ... Labor Day family outing to the Waterfall of Rio Agrio and Pozo Azul ... Praying in faith and thanking God that he provided the finances for Martha to receive the health care she needs ... Warm sunny days, perfect for line drying ... Sharing donations with El Nido Guadalupe and the blessing of fellowship ... Much needed Date night for dad and mom ... Grocery shopping with the troops ... Surprise weekend Family adventure as we anticipate the busyness of the upcoming season of ministry ... Stomach virus adventures, really, I didn't think it lived here in CR!

Angles on guard as we climbed to the heights around hair pin turns
Safety swimming and jumping
Family weekend
Finances for VidaNet

Learning how to dance with Jedidiah
Creative outlet for Micah - a hobby
Strength for Martha and family as they travel to Nicaragua
Healing from this stomach virus
Marriage retreat with our church this weekend
Finances for VidaNet

Pozo Azul ... It matched my shirt!

Worth the muddy, slippery hike ...
One of CR's hidden treasures 

Cliff jumping ...
Joseph was the first, the other two followed ...
More guts than Mama (and Dad)

Adam ready for a hike in mud, rain or sun

Date night fun ...
there is a table inside this VW Van!

Adam asked if he could have a picture with Mr. Policia!

Rub-a-dub-dub ... Three boys in a tub ...
who do you think they are?

"Batman" made an unexpected and unwelcomed
visit to our Tree house room over the weekend!

King of the Mountain ... hours of fun!

Zip-line gear ... Adam said, "Maybe next time!"

Cooling off after the hike ... 

Great planning ... Water slide for the kids
with cool Jacuzzi tubs along the side for the parents!

When you order 2 coffees and 4 Hot chocolate "to go" from a bar ...They were just being helpful for carry out!

Be strong and courageous ...

 "The Lord your God is with Jedidiah, he is mighty to save.  He will take great delight in Jedidiah, he will quiet Jedidiah with his love, he will rejoice over Jedidiah with singing."  Zeph 3:17